
  • Travel to Toba lake from Medan

    I had a satisfying short trip to Samosir Island inside Toba lake from Medan recently. The island is very peaceful, no high rise and less touristic.

  • A secret code #1

    I’m quite interested in solving some secret codes when I was in a scout troop. Now I’m trying to recall one of them, maybe create more 😀

  • My 2nd ukulele

    I have always wanted a smaller ukulele that can fit my backpack and still leave some space that I can put other stuff for traveling in short term. And here it is my 2nd ukulele with the length is only 19 inches and smaller body from Mahalo brand. You can search for sopranino series.

  • Some thoughts after reading The power of habit by Charles Duhigg

    So I started reading this book long time a go but only had the chance to finish it recently and want to share couple of thoughts here. This is definitely not a review. The book explores 3 levels of habit, from individuals to organizations and finally the whole society. I like the way the author……